Hygiene Tips

Hygiene tips in everyday language.

Ear Hygiene Basics


Keeping your ears in a healthy condition is not hard as long as you follow some easy steps and have some basic knowledge on the subject. There are some common misconceptions surrounding proper ear hygiene, so we are here to clean some things up.


Hearing problems and Prevention

Hearing problems, ranging from mild hearing loss to total loss of hearing, are most commonly caused by blockage in the ear canal or from injury, infection or inflammation, especially in the ear drum.  Thankfully you can treat most hearing problems by dealing with them early on. There are many signs that hearing problems might be developing, the most common being mild hearing loss, ear ringing, itching and pain in the ear.

To maintain a healthy ear you should regularly visit a doctor or an ear specialist for ear check-ups and wax removal, advisably at least once a year. If you suspect that you might have a hearing problem, you should immediately consult your doctor to catch the problem at an early stage.

Remember, the ear cleans itself naturally so using cotton swabs to clean the inside of the ear is not recommended. If you must clean your ear, use the tip of a clean towel instead and never insert it in the inner ear area.

Finally, the ear can be temporarily or even permanently damaged by loud noises. Therefore it is best to avoid loud places or use ear plug or other protective equipment if you need to stay in such environments for prolonged periods of time (such as your workplace).


Ear Wax

Ear wax, unless it’s produced in abnormal levels, is beneficial for the ear to function correctly and stay healthy. Ear wax protects the ear from foreign bodies that may enter the inner ear canal.  Only if ear wax is produced in excess can it potentially cause problems. Extra ear wax can become hardened as it does not exit the ear and become stuck in it. Pieces of hardened ear wax can limit your hearing abilities and pose a danger of damaging the ear drum if not removed by a medical practitioner or ear specialist.

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