Hygiene Tips

Hygiene tips in everyday language.

July 6, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

Food Safety and Food Hygiene Basics

Food safety and hygiene is of great importance for everyone’s health. A lot of responsibility concerning food hygiene falls on people who cook food for others.

One of the leading causes of death in developing countries is diarrhea due to spoiled food and contaminated water while in the developed world thousands of people go down with food poisoning each year.


Basic Food Hygiene Tips

Before handling food you should wash your hands and clean any surfaces the food will come in contact with. If you applied soaps or any cleaning agents make sure you rinse with a lot of water.

Certain foods require extra steps before they are ready to be prepared for serving or cooking. Fruits and vegetables must be thoroughly rinsed with water and in some cases gently rubbed to make sure there are no traces of dirt or chemicals.

Animal products such as raw meat, fish and egg yolk must be handled with extra care to avoid spoilage.

Any utensil and food container that has come to contact with raw food must be washed with warm or hot water and dish soap before using again.

Refrigerating and storing cooked and raw food that will not be immediately consumed is strongly advised. This will ensure that the food will be in the best possible condition for cooking and consumption next time it is used.

July 5, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

Animal Hygiene Basics

Owning and playing with pets is a rewarding and sometimes even educational pastime for young and old alike. However many people are not aware of the numerous health hazards that household pets pose -both to their owners and themselves- when not handled with consideration to proper hygiene standards.

Animals naturally carry germs and are hosts to parasites which can be easily passed to us.  These pathogens and parasitic organisms are usually spread through animal feces and on some occasions even simple contact is enough for some parasites to be passed on.

Animals in the wild pose little risk to our health because people have little contact with them. However, when it comes to animals we live with, our pets, we have to be careful and adhere to good hygiene practices so we can stay clean and safe from any animal pathogen or parasite.

Ensuring that your pet is healthy is the first step to maintain good animal hygiene. Careful washing your hands after coming into contact with the pet or its “stuff” will ensure that germs and parasites the pet might be carrying will not be spread to you and through you. Finally, make sure that litter trays, pet carriers and other pet-related items are kept away from your dining area and kitchen.

June 19, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

Poor Personal Hygiene (and why clean is good!)

Failure to maintain good hygiene standards can lead to health problems and negatively affect many psychological and social aspects of one’s life as well.

Personal health and physical well-being are directly related to personal hygiene and poor personal hygiene can lead to poor health! Many illnesses are associated with poor personal hygiene as people run great risks of contracting and transmitting infectious diseases that can reach epidemic proportions due to poor (or even total lack) of personal hygiene standards.

Along with physical health, poor personal hygiene can have a negative impact on many social and psychological aspects. Being unclean and “smelly” can lead to social isolation as most people will alienate themselves from a person with poor personal hygiene habits.

Social acceptance is heavily affected by personal hygiene (or the lack of it!). Hygiene habits can make the difference between “hire” and “fire” when it comes to job applications and career advancements. Nobody wants to spend his working day next to an unclean co-worker and employers will want their companies to be represented by people who can look after themselves and give a good impression.

Moreover, people who maintain poor personal hygiene habits may find themselves socially abused (or even bullied) for their lack of hygiene. This is most prominent with children and elderly people who depend on others to maintain their personal hygiene and may be socially embarrassed if they are neglected.

Finally, People with mental disabilities and conditions such as depression and autism tend to forget to maintain their personal hygiene or have poor hygiene habits. Such people will need extra care and attentions otherwise poor personal hygiene can be the cause of a vicious circle for such conditions, as it can worsen many mental illnesses that in turn will worsen the hygiene habits.

June 15, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

What is Personal Hygiene?

Personal hygiene is the principle of maintaining a clean body along with practices of personal care and grooming oneself.

Personal hygiene has been practiced since antiquity with considerable variations to what is hygienic across different cultures and times. Nowadays, modern medical science has set standards of hygiene for every aspect of modern life.

Personal hygiene’s importance is global and goes above and beyond personal boundaries. Good personal hygiene prevents the spread of diseases and dramatically increases the average lifespan of any population.


There are many different Aspects of Personal Hygiene; the most important ones are listed below:

Head and Hair Hygiene

Eye and Ear Hygiene

Oral Hygiene

Genital Hygiene

Food, Hand and Nail Hygiene

Skin Hygiene