Hygiene Tips

Hygiene tips in everyday language.

August 9, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

Food Preparation and Proper Food Handling

Most foods are easily susceptible to bacterial and fungal contamination as well as other food hazards and they require special care to be safe for consumption. Good food hygiene practices must be upheld at all times when food is prepared or handled to avoid sickness, poisoning and other medical problems.

You can read more about all the food hazards that can make food dangerous for your health in our “Food Hygiene Hazards and how to avoid them 101: From bread mold to killer neurotoxins.” article.

Let’s see together some important points about food preparation and proper food handling according to the proper standards of food hygiene.


  • All surfaces that will come into contact with food must be kept clean at all times.
  • Any dishes, pots, utensils or other cooking tools must also be clean before using them for cooking and must also be cleaned promptly after cooking is done.
  • Toddler’s feeding equipment must be sterilized according to the manufacturer’s standards. This is imperative as a young person’s immune system is relatively weak and thus more susceptible to infections and diseases than an adult’s.
  • Young children should be properly educated from a very early age about the importance of good personal and food hygiene.
  • Pets should not be allowed to eat in the same space as you. It is best to allocate separate eating and toilet spaces for your pets, away from your kitchen.
  • Before handling food as well as after food preparation you must wash your hands. Preferably with warm water and with an appropriate cleaning agent.
  • Food that has fallen to the floor must be discarded. (Sorry, 3-second rule is bogus!) Even clean floors house at least tens of millions of bacteria per square meter.
  • Ovens, refrigerators, cupboards and other kitchen equipment must be cleaned frequently.
  • Never use expired food products! Check expiry dates of products before using and discard expired food.


August 9, 2011
by Hygiene Tips
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The Consequences of Poor Oral Hygiene

As we said in our “Oral Hygiene Basics” article, many health problems can develop as a consequence of poor oral hygiene and the most common oral problems are gum diseases, halitosis (bad breath) and of course tooth decay.

All the oral problems mentioned above can and will develop from the neglect of oral health and oral hygiene. Bad oral hygiene can impact significantly on a social and psychological level too.

Below we go into some depth into the most common problems associated with poor oral hygiene.


Gum Diseases

Gum diseases generally refer to the conditions known as Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Both are inflammatory diseases that affect the gums in our mouth and are the most common causes for adult tooth loss. Gum diseases settle in when poor hygiene techniques result in the gums becoming infected and inflamed. Gingivitis always precedes Periodontitis and as the inflammation progresses the gums bleed and start receding, exposing the roots of the teeth and weakening them, leading eventually in loss of teeth.


Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Halitosis, or bad breath, can have many different causes. In most halitosis cases the cause is in the mouth and the most common location for mouth-based halitosis is the tongue. Other reasons that can cause or intensify halitosis are hunger, dry mouth, alcohol and certain foods with strong smell such as garlic or pastrami.

Gently cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush or a tongue scrapper will treat most cases of halitosis and use of antiseptic mouthwash also helps. In some occasions a visit to the dentist is necessary to remove halitosis.


Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or tooth cavities, is a dangerous disease where bacteria grow and erode the tooth enamel and create a cavity in the tooth. These cavities can cause pain and act as a breeding ground for more bacteria, deteriorating the health state of the whole mouth. Tooth cavities must be promptly treated and filled by a dentist.


August 9, 2011
by Hygiene Tips
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Oral Hygiene Basics

Oral hygiene and maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth is all about prevention and small everyday habits.

Regular visits to the dentist mean that any oral conditions will be diagnosed and treated early thus preventing deterioration. As in all healthcare cases, prevention is better than treatment.

You just have to make sure you habitually maintain good oral hygiene practices in your everyday life. That way you will avoid many oral problems such as dental cavities, oral pain and expensive treatments for oral conditions while you will gain a boost in confidence by sporting a sparkling smile.



Some foods are more damaging to the teeth than others and you should aim to brush your teeth shortly after consuming them. Sugary carbohydrates hasten tooth decay while foods and drinks with dark-coloring substances such as coffee and red wine can cause teeth to become discolored.

Smoking is another major factor for discolored teeth. Moreover, smoking can cause various other mouth-related problems such as gum infection and tongue inflammation.


Teeth Brushing, Flossing and mouthwash

People should brush and floss their teeth regularly and at least on a daily basis. It is recommended to brush after every meal and at the start and end of each day while flossing should be done twice a day.

Mouthwash products can also be used to enhance oral hygiene. Some mouthwashes are antiseptic while most mouthwash products help to prevent tooth decay and bacterial plaque.

Excessive force should not be used while brushing the teeth since it will make brushing less effective and might also cause gum injuries. Toothpaste must never be swallowed, an important truth that must be taught to children from a young age along with the proper oral hygiene techniques. Oral prevention at an early age will be reflected throughout their adult life.


Poor Oral Hygiene

Many health problems can develop as a consequence of poor oral hygiene. The most common oral problems are gum diseases, halitosis (bad breath) and of course tooth decay. Bar oral hygiene can drastically affect our social lives and our confidence. People are immediately put off by bad breath or any other obvious signs of neglecting oral hygiene.

Want to know more about poor oral hygiene and the most common oral problems? Why not read our article “The Consequences of Poor Oral Hygiene”.
Remember that oral hygiene is important for health, social and psychological reasons and should not be neglected if we want to enjoy a healthy mouth with all its teeth intact for many years.

August 8, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

Hair Removal (shaving, waxing electrolysis etc) and Hygiene

Hair removal, also known as depilation, is the easiest and most effective way of eliminating hair lice and reducing body odors. Apart from the obvious hygiene benefits hair removal is also considered a “must” for acceptable aesthetics in the western world.

In today’s world, men and women alike chose to have their hair removed from many areas of their body. The most common areas to have hair removed are the legs, the underarms, the face as well as the back. Many people chose to remove almost all body hair from them.

Let’s see what kinds of methods are available for hair removal today.



Shaving has been practiced since the copper age, 5000 years ago, arguably making it the oldest hair removal technique mankind ever invented.

Shaving is cheap and easy, requiring only basic equipment, and can be performed on oneself without any external aid and in the comfort of one’s home.

Shaving is best done in front of a mirror and in the bath. Soap and water are typically used along with a sharp and clean razor for shaving. Many people use products such as shaving foams and creams as well as hair conditioners to make shaving easier.

Shaving in the same direction or against the “grain” of the hair makes little difference to the final result of shaving. It is important to rinse the skin after it has been shaved, dry it and finally moisturize it to avoid skin irritations.

Apart from skin irritations, the only other downside of shaving is the risk of carelessly cutting oneself with the razor while shaving.


Waxing and Sugaring

Waxing is the removal of hair by applying wax onto the skin that is to be depilated and then pulling it out along with the hair. Waxing is cheap and can also be done at home. The main downside of waxing is that some amount of pain is inflicted when the hair are removed in that way.

Although many people find the pain of waxing unbearable others have no problem removing their hair by waxing.

Waxing leaves the skin smooth and hair-free for up to three weeks until new hair starts growing again.

Sugaring is similar to waxing but a different agent is used. Sugaring is considered to be less painful than traditional waxing. The only downside to sugaring is that on rare cases some people exhibit sensitivity or even allergy to some sugaring products.

When sugaring or using spreadable wax, make sure you do not overheat the agent or else you might risk burning yourself.


Depilatory Creams

Depilatory Creams are creams that weaken the hair follicle resulting in the hair falling off after the cream has been applied. Hair removal with depilatory creams is completely painless although on some people may cause skin irritation. Apart from any sensitivity depilatory creams might rarely cause, their other downside is that they usually have a strong odor that might persist for hours even after the depilated area has been washed.


Electrolysis and Laser Treatment Hair Removal

Hair removal with electrolysis or laser treatment is permanent. These procedures focus on destroying the hair follicles, thus preventing them from growing more hair. With electrolysis an electric current is passed into the hair follicle while a controlled laser beam is used to destroy the follicle with Laser treatment hair removal.

Both electrolysis and laser treatment hair removal procedures are rather expensive and can be dangerous if performed by an unskilled therapist.

August 8, 2011
by Hygiene Tips

The Advantages of Good Personal Hygiene

Maintaining good personal hygiene practices obviously helps reduce the risks of various health problems, but also affects social and psychological aspects of our lives.

Good personal hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections, diseases and unpleasant body odors and also help us look more presentable and attractive.

Adding to the above, let’s see the health, social and psychological reasons people should maintain good personal hygiene practices in their lives and what benefits do they offer them.


Health Reasons and Benefits

The difference between health and sickness sometimes depends on simple habits such as washing your hands or promptly dressing a superficial scratch.

Mundane and seemingly trivial conditions such as small cuts, rashes, athlete’s foot, sore throat etc should not be disregarded and treated immediately to avoid deterioration and spreading as well as to find out if there are more serious, underlying problems behind them.

The single most important preventive health measure one can take in their everyday lives is washing their hands regularly, especially after using the toilet and before coming to contact with any foods, and keeping their environments clean.

In short, staying clean by maintaining good personal hygiene will keep you healthier.


Social Reasons and Benefits

Maintaining proper personal hygiene means that you will look more healthy and attractive to other people. It is impossible to project a healthy body image and make good impression without adhering to personal hygiene principles. Looking unwashed and smelling bad will immediately place a person in several social disadvantages as others will find him or her less attractive and even potentially dangerous to their own health.

For the above reasons it is of paramount important to teach children the importance of good personal hygiene from a young age so they might be able to keep themselves clean and healthy throughout their lives and avoid the social stigma that accompanies poor hygiene habits.


Psychological Reasons and Benefits

Confidence and self-esteem are affected by our body image which is reflected on our ability to care for ourselves and maintain good personal hygiene practices.

Healthy teeth, hair, skin and nails are signs of a healthy and well-groomed individual who pays attention to his or her personal hygiene and health. This can give confidence in everyday life and social interactions.

By being clean and well-groomed, people can feel more confident in any social environment. First impressions, often an important factor in many interpersonal relationships as well as job interviews are heavily affected by our outwards image which is directly related to our personal hygiene habits and practices.


A person’s chances of success in social environments, interpersonal relationships and even in their line of work can be substantially improved by improving their personal hygiene practices.